A principle aim of the CWD Data Warehouse is to facilitate the sharing of data with researchers engaged in developing novel methods to obtain a deeper understanding of CWD and to support better data-driven decisions for CWD surveillance and management. Researchers can use publicly shared SOP4CWD data sets as well as request additional data from multiple agencies using a single request to the CWD Data Warehouse.
Data obtained from wildlife agencies at the start of the SOP4CWD collaboration and used in the development of models have been published as open data in Cornell eCommons online data repository. These historical data sets are readily available for download and use by researchers.
Agencies continue to push new data into the CWD Data Warehouse as they are generated each season. Researchers may also request these recent data from the Warehouse to conduct CWD research or develop CWD models to be used by wildlife agencies within the Warehouse. A researcher may submit a proposal to request the use of Warehouse data for scientific research. The proposal must describe the objective and methods of the research, specific data requested and how it will be used in the research, expected outcomes and products, and include a data security plan that meets or exceeds the standards described in the Data Security Plan. Once a proposal is approved by a wildlife agency, Warehouse administrators will extract the data from the Warehouse and transmit it to the researcher in a secure manner.
Research Approval Plan
The Research Approval Plan describes the process by which researchers may request and use certain data from the CWD Data Warehouse for scientific purposes.