The SOP4CWD collaboration publishes its work in the form of peer-reviewed manuscripts, code for models, and open source data sets. Models that appear in the CWD Data Warehouse are based on published manuscripts.
Epizootic Risk Model
Hanley B, Carstensen M, Walsh D, Christensen S, Storm D, Booth J, Guinness J, Them C, Ahmed M, & Schuler K. 2022. Informing surveillance through the characterization of outbreak potential of chronic wasting disease in white-tailed deer. Ecological Modelling. 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2022.110054.
Sample Size Planning (Groups) Model
Booth J, Hanley B, Hodel F, Jennelle C, Guinness J, Them C, Mitchell C, Ahmed S, Schuler, K. 2023. Sample size for estimating disease prevalence in free-ranging wildlife: a Bayesian modeling approach. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics. 10.1007/s13253-023-00578-7.
Positive County Predictor Model
Ahmed M, Hanley B, Mitchell C, Abbott R, Hollingshead N, Booth J, Guinness J, Jennelle C, Hodel F, Gonzalez-Crespo C, Middaugh C, Ballard J, Clemons B, Killmaster C, Harms T, Caudell J, Westrich W, McCallen E, Casey C, O’Brien L, Trudeau J, Stewart C, Carstensen M, McKinley W, Hynes K, Stevens A, Miller L, Cook M, Meyers R, Shaw J, Tonkovich M, Kelly J, Grove D, Storm D, & Schuler K. 2024. Predicting chronic wasting disease in white-tailed deer at the county scale using machine learning. Scientific Reports. 10.1038/s41598-024-65002-7.
Home Range Contamination Model
Walter W, Hanley B, Them C, Mitchell C, Kelly J, Grove D, Hollingshead N, Abbott R, Schuler K. 2024. Predicting the odds of chronic wasting disease with the Habitat Risk software. Spatio and Spatio-Temporal Epidemiology. 10.1016/j.sste.2024.100650.