Modeling Team
To provide wildlife agencies with quantitative tools, SOP4CWD collaborators are applying methods from ecological, epidemiological, and operations modeling as well as predictive tools in data science to address the challenges of disease surveillance. Once models have undergone peer review to ensure scientific integrity, our team works to embed or link them to the CWD Data Warehouse to enable agencies to use the models with their own data to inform their CWD surveillance and management decisions.
Wildlife Health Quantitative Group
We have a wildlife health quantitative group that meets remotely most Thursdays at 3pm ET. No previous statistical experience necessary! Please contact us for details about participating!
Modelers are invited to contribute CWD models for use in the Warehouse and request data from the Warehouse to use in model development.
The SOP4CWD collaboration publishes its work in the form of peer-reviewed manuscripts, code for models, and open source data sets. Models that appear in the CWD Data Warehouse are based on published manuscripts.